Friday, 4 September 2009

friday feeling!

Its been a while since I last blogged. I apologise to my reader, (sorry mum).

Busyness has been happening. I have been offered a job after three interviews, which i have accepted. The general opinion is that I will hate working. but I am not so sure. I think it will be nice to let someone else do the worrying for a while. The position is as a farm grain trader, buying crops from farmers on behalf of a trading firm. We will see how it goes! I will keep you informed.

I will still be the duck man, in fact if we get the planning application I have processing at the moment we will have more ducks than ever, with the capacity to produce 90,000 birds a year.

in my personal, non-business life Mrs G and I have bought bikes. This is with the aim of keeping fit. I managed a 5 mile cycle Wednesday. I must be honest and say that it nearly killed me. I had to stop twice to catch my breath and rest my wobbly legs. I was a little disappointed as I had not Even got out of the front drive by that point. All I can say is that improvement should be swift. I have decided that living on top of a hill is not great for a budding cyclist. The fun part (downhill) is at the start when you are fresh and (relatively) fit. the rubbish bit uphill is reserved for the final leg home when you are just a hairs breadth short of cardiac arrest. also the last leg of the journey is the busiest bit with cars hooting at me (mainly due to my shorts keep riding down revealing a little too much of my tidy whiteys). I need to get some proper cycling shorts, not for comfort but to avoid causing a major accident.