Friday, 16 October 2009

Random meaningless title

The Duckman is now an office boy. But I guess that except for some special interest groups, an 'Office Boy Diaries' would not be a very exciting blog!

I hope not to be an office boy for too long, as once I am trained a large proportion of my new job will be out of the office and on farms dealing direct with farmers, building relationships (not 'Office Boy' special interest type of relationships) but trading relations with farmers, purchasing there hard won produce. So if you farm in Royston, Thetford or the Colchester area you will be receiving a introduction letter from me and then if you are unlucky a visit.

Lots has happened since my last blog, which I appreciate was back in the dim, dark past. Happy days when the pound was strong and MP's where honourable and true. Well maybe not that long ago! Anyway, I have been fishing to France at least once since last blogging. Which was great for me, not so great for Mrs G, and even less great for the Carp.

I have to give my big Nuffield Presentation in a couple of weeks to the whole Nuffield organisation at the annual Nuffield Winter Conference. So far my speech notes consist of reading out my study title and a couple of knob jokes. I am working on padding it out a bit but I have run out of knob jokes. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

We now have two new additions to the family. They are small furry and very energetic. before you start wondering why we have Welsh miners living in our house, I should point out that these are in fact Guinea Pigs. I bought for little Miss G's 4th birthday a couple of weeks ago. I am open to new culinary experiences and am very keen to delve into the unexplored world of Peruvian cuisine, but I really cannot see the piglets (as I affectionately call them) tasting that good, way too boney.