Wednesday, 12 August 2009

busy busy!

Unfortunatly I have been to busy harvesting to write the blog for the last few days, however a wet day today has given me a bit of a break.

A wet saturday gave me the time to take the kids to the circus, which was an experience that I have not had for a long time. there was a troupe of 5 stallions, camels, elephants and best of all five (unfortunately) well trained and beutifull tigers. I must admit to being just a tinsy bit sorry that the tigers did not eat the trainer and that the elephents did not break free and rampage around the big top with deadly consequences. admitidly it would not have been great having the kids in the same tent with wild tigers and elephants eating people, especially with me being so plump and tasty looking. fortunatly that did not happen, though maybe if i had not been so tight and had paid out for front row seats the tigers may have had there appettites piqued.

I had my first interview for a job yesterday which was an interesting experience. Entering the corporate world will be a novel and new experience for me, one that I am excited about but am also, if I am honest, very nervous about as well.


  1. just came acoss this. sooo funny

  2. thanks, i like people who comment, it makes you feel like someone is actually reading it! is it a sign of madness to blog to yourself? am i doing that now?

  3. Loving the blog and no you're not writing to yourself!!
