Sunday, 2 August 2009

Your Fired!

Mrs G and I are sitting watching 'Young dumb and living off mum' a programme where a load of slobs are stuck in a house to try to 'improve' them. Its not worked with me yet. or the kids. They are going to work on a farm tonight, I have seen the trailer and it looks funny.

Its time to come clean. I was under a publicity screen whereby I could not discuss it, now though it is time. I wanted to be a TV star, I thought the would should see more of Farmer Gage (no, not centre spread in Playgirl magazine) but alas TV fame is not going to happen, unless i one day end up on Crimewatch.

I went to Manchester to be interviewed for the next series of 'The Apprentice'. People say why would I want to look like an idiot on national television in front of the whole country. I am just bored I guess!

Anyway, I went to the interview and was duly led into a large room to stand in front of three judges, X-Factor style. This was done in a large group of fifteen and we all had thirty seconds to say why we should be the next apprentice, I was inspired to wear my tweeds and go for it 'farmer' style, ending my thirty seconds with the tag line 'Its time for this country mouse to come to town' this went down great with the guardian reading, torn jeans TV executive types running the interviews. Naturally I was selected out of the group of fifteen to go through for an individual interview which I thought went really well, the interviewer even suggested i should keep using the 'country mouse' line. However it obviously did not go that well as I was not ultimately selected for the programme. It is British Broadcasters loss I assure you!

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