Thursday 4 June 2009

Pigeon love

As a farmer i split my time equally between sitting in the office paying bills (also known as playing solitaire on my laptop) and chasing pigeons off my Oil Seed Rape fields. over the last few years the pigeon numbers have blossomed creating a plague of almost biblical proportions, on our farm at least. Personally i blame the French.

This is despite pigeons having possibly the worst 'after loving' attitude i have ever witnessed. i know this because today i saw it for myself, after feasting on my spring rape field, two particularly amourous pigeons decided to burn off there excess energy and highlight there dominance over me as a farmer by procreating on top of my tractor. After the act was done they alighted from the tractor and flew to the top of my grain store where they sat next to each other looking down on me with distinctly smug looks on their faces. as i was watching them (and debating in my head whether to get my gun and have the last laugh) one pigeon, who i can only presume was the male, started pecking the other, making her edge along the roof untill she was forced to fly off to another perch.

was this a case of post-coital remorse? had, once the testosterone fueled haze of pre love making cleared, he realised that she was actually not as attractive or witty as he first thought? or was it, like i suspected, and which proves men all over the planet correct that we blokes do not want to talk after doing the dirty, we just want to go to sleep? we dont want to hear what your friends sisters holiday plans are, or what you may look like with a different hair cut. We may act like we care beforehand, but afterwards there is absolutly no reason to do so.

farming-wise for my agricultural reader (i live in hope of someday having one) today we have been preparing for a batch of 10,000 day old ducklings that are coming tommorrow, and apart from me tripping over the drinker lines and landing on my face, absolutely nothing humorous happened.


  1. LOL!! I hope Vicki gives you a smack round the ears...................however it was very funny..........are you trying to give Sarah some competition.....Oh and Andrew I don't want to see a poster of you in Haverhill with a slot on any future comedy nights LOL!!

  2. And why the French I must ask? i gota say, the pidgeons here are quite timid...though they do build nests and lay eggs on your window sill, but they keep their love making quite discreet! hehe!

    nice to hear how you're doing!

    Jenny the vegetarian one in France :)
