Sunday 21 June 2009

Mrs G stripping

Times are hard down on the duck farm. As the troubles in the economy start to bite i have been forced to send Mrs G stripping. Actually it was her idea. I volunteered to do it as i am developing a nice pair of moobs, but Mrs G said nobody wants to see them. Not even her.

After a tiring evening working the streets Mrs G had achieved her aim. Strictly speaking it was not the streets, more like are front room, and while her stripping was dirty it was not sexual - more grubby from the old wall paper. there ended her involvement, except to panic when the heating pipe split in the night after i took off the radiator, resulting in half an inch of heating fluid soaking the carpet leading to me being forced to rip up half the concrete floor to fx it.

Four days later i have filled pits, painted the ceiling twice, glossed the picture rail twice, the window frames (twice) covered three of the walls in 'Nutmeg' which is kind of like a pinky beige and guess what i did them twice. the 'peice de la Resistance' is what Mrs G says is technically known as the 'accent' wall. Its a lovely deep red which is creatively called Ruby Starlet. like a demanding movie star the 'accent' wall insisted on having 5 coats to stop it looking like a dried hanky after a nose bleed. I wont say what Mrs G called it as it was so disgusting, even my very loose inner appropriatness alarm went off.

I would report on what has happened on the farm but i dont have a clue as i have been decorating all week. However on tuesday i and my right hand man went on a 'Animal Welfare' course run by the proccessing company i grow the Ducks for. I decided that i did not agree with my Tom-Tom Satalite navigation aid and ende up adding at least 10 miles onto the journey, come on we have all done it.


  1. Has Mrs DM requested new furntiture to adorn the newly decorated room ? Its only right that she should.

  2. she can request all she likes! to be fair we got new furniture last year. though she is now deciding how much we should put back in. i reckon with the amount it cost we should put it all back in!
